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How to Create and Connect an SQLite Database with Flask App using Python

This article will guide you step by step in making a database using Flask-SQLAlchemy. It will show you how to work with an SQLite database in your Flask app, and then how to make a form on the website to collect user information and put it into the database.

Installing Flask-SQLAlchemy Lib

Flask-SQLAlchemy uses SQLAlchemy, a powerful ORM (object-relational mapping) library for Python, allowing interaction with databases using Python.

Open the terminal window and install the library using pip in your project environment.

Creating SQLAlchemy Instance

Create a file and add the following code inside the file to create an instance of SQLAlchemy.

This instance will be used to create the database and manage database operations.

Creating Models

SQLAlchemy provides an object-oriented approach to creating database tables and columns, defining relationships, and setting constraints using Python classes.

Models let you define a database table with the fields you need in your database with constraints and relationships with other tables and fields by using only Python code.

Inside the file, the SQLAlchemy instance (db) is imported to facilitate interactions with the SQLite database.

A class named Vehicle is declared, which inherits from db.Model, effectively making it an SQLAlchemy model. Inside this class, the table name and structure are specified with the following details and fields:

  • __tablename__: This attribute sets the table name in the database, which, in this case, is "vehicle".
  • id: The id column serves as a primary key with an Integer data type, ensuring that each row has a unique id.
  • name: The name column, represented by a String type, will be used to store the vehicle’s name with a maximum length of 150 characters. The unique constraint is enabled to enforce uniqueness, and nullable=False ensures that the title must be provided for each entry.
  • price: The price column, of String type, will be used to store the vehicle’s price, and it cannot be left empty.
  • created_at: This column, with a Datetime type, captures the timestamp when an entry is created. The current timestamp will be automatically generated using current_timestamp() from the func module in SQLAlchemy.


Flask-SQLAlchemy can work with a variety of databases, but by default, if you don’t specify a database URI in your Flask app configuration, it will use SQLite, a lightweight and simple database suitable for small-scale or demo projects.

First, the code imports the Flask class from the flask module, enabling app creation, and the SQLAlchemy instance from database, facilitating database management.

The Flask app instance is created using Flask(__name__), and the instance is stored in the variable app. The use of __name__ is to determine the root path of the module.

The database name, vehicle.db, is defined and stored in the variable db_name. The SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI config variable is then set, which contains the SQLite database connection string 'sqlite:///' + db_name.

For other database engines, the connection URL formats differ. For example, for MySQL and PostgreSQL, the URL formats are provided as follows.



The SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS config variable is set to False, disabling modification tracking of objects and suppressing warnings.

Finally, an instance of SQLAlchemy is initialized and binds with the Flask app by calling db.init_app(app).

Creating Database

There are two approaches, you can perform either one to create the database and a table with the defined fields.

Approach 1 – Manually Pushing the App Context

The code defines a function named create_db(), which utilizes the app_context() of the Flask app instance (app) with a with statement.

In the app context, the create_all() method of the db object, provided by SQLAlchemy, is invoked to create all the tables specified in the models module.

In the if __name__ == "__main__" block, the Vehicle model is imported and create_db() function is called to generate the table.

To execute the app, either run it from your Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or use the terminal by entering the following command.

Successful execution will result in the creation of a "vehicle.db" database within the instance directory at the root level.

Approach 2 – Flask Shell

When using the Flask shell, the commands are executed within the context of the Flask app. Below are the CLI commands to run in your terminal.

The SQLAlchemy instance, db and the model, Vehicle are imported from the database and models module respectively. Then, the db.create_all() command is executed to create a table based on the defined model. Finally, you can exit the shell using the exit() command.

The database vehicle.db would be created in the instance directory at the project’s root directory.

Creating Frontend

To create a frontend and collect data from users via form, the following HTML files inside the templates folder need to be created.

The layout and Bootstrap CSS and JS will be stored in base.html, the vehicle data from the database will be displayed in home.html, and a form for adding vehicle data will be stored in vehicle.html.




Creating Routes and Logic

First of all, add the necessary imports in the file: render_templaterequestredirect, and url_for.

The provided code establishes two distinct routes: the home or "/" route and the /add-vehicle route.

The main page route (@app.route("/")) uses a function called home(). This function retrieves all vehicle information from the database using the Vehicle model and shows it on the home.html page.

The /add-vehicle route can handle both GET and POST requests. The add_vehicle() function is responsible for displaying the vehicle.html page. It also handles the process of taking user data from a submitted form, adding it to the database using db.session.add(), confirming the changes with db.session.commit(), and sending the user back to the main page through redirect(url_for('home')).


Run the Flask app directly from the IDE or as a Python module to see the app hosted on, or manually enter http://localhost:5000 in the browser’s address bar.

The following image shows the first glimpse of the homepage.


To add vehicle information, use the "Add Vehicles" button or the /add-vehicle route.

Adding vehicle details

After you submit the form, the vehicle information will be displayed on the homepage, to which you will be automatically redirected.

Added data showing on homepage

Source Code

Access the full source code written in this article from the following GitHub repository and clone or download it and run the application to try it out.



SQLAlchemy is used to create an SQLite database and integrated with the Flask app to interact with the database. A simple application was created in which a form is integrated to get the data from the user and add it to the database and then display it on the homepage of the application.

This article has walked you through the steps in making the SQLite database using Flask-SQLAlchemy and integrating it with the Flask app.

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Keep Coding✌✌